
Call this subprocedure before RXS_parse() to tell the parser to notify a specific subprocedure of your program every time it encounters an attribute within an element (i.e. <element>I am the content</element>.) When the parser encounters the attribute, the specified handler will receive the value of the attribute (in this case “Attr content”).

Note: Using this approach saves coding time when a program will retrieve a majority of the end element events.

Subprocedure Prototype

D RXS_allAttrHandler...
D                 pr

Enables parsing of all XML attribute events.

D  pHandler                       *   value procptr

The address of the local subprocedure in your program that should be called when it encounters any attribute of any element. This subprocedure must have the prototype as shown in the example event handler. Use the %PADDR Built-In Function to obtain the address of the local subprocedure (e.g. %Paddr(myHandler)).