RPG-XML Suite 2.0x-2.8x Documentation

RPG-XML Suite is a collection of service programs, commands, and subprocedures that allows RPG programmers to work with XML, offer web services on the IBM i, and consume web services on remote systems.
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Name Description
RXS_addHandler() Add a handler to parse a specific XML event.
RXS_addLibLE() Add a library to the current job's library list.
RXS_allAttrHandler() Add a handler to parse all XML attribute events.
RXS_allElemBeginHandler() Add a handler to parse all XML element begin events.
RXS_allElemContentHandler() Add a handler to parse all XML element content events.
RXS_allElemEndHandler() Add a handler to parse all XML element end events.
RXS_catchError() Catch an error data structure.
RXS_charToBln() Convert a character value to a boolean/indicator value.
RXS_charToNbr() Convert a character value to a numeric value.
RXS_charToTimestamp() Convert a character timestamp to a timestamp field.
RXS_cmpTransFile() Create an IFS path for a transaction file.
RXS_deleteFile() Delete an IFS file.
RXS_DOMBuild() Build a DOM tree from XML.
RXS_DOMCleanup() Release memory from DOM parsing.
RXS_DOMGetData() Retrieve data elements from a specific XPath.
RXS_DOMGetDataCount() Retrieve the count of data elements from a specific XPath.
RXS_DOMSetOpt() Set options to control DOM parsing.
RXS_getBuffData() Retrieve the current composition engine buffer into a field.
RXS_getBuffLen() Retrieve the length of the current composition engine buffer.
RXS_getEnvVar() Retrieve an Apache environment variable or an incoming HTTP header.
RXS_getFileSize() Retrieve the size of a specified IFS file.
RXS_getTplDir() Retrieve the IFS path of the currently configured template directory.
RXS_getTransDir() Retrieve the IFS path of the currently configured transaction directory.
RXS_getURI() Perform an HTTP request.
RXS_getURLVar() Parse a URL for a specified name/value pair.
RXS_getXPath() Get current working XPath.
RXS_handoff() Hand control off to a non-RXS handler.
RXS_ignElemNamSpc() Ignore namespaces when parsing XML.
RXS_initTplEng() Initialize the template engine for composing XML.
RXS_libLEExists() Check if library exists in the current job's library list.
RXS_loadTpl() Load a template file for composing XML.
RXS_log() Write a message to the job log.
RXS_moveFile() Move an IFS file to a different IFS location.
RXS_nextUnqChar() Retrieve a unique numeric-based character value.
RXS_nextUnqNbr() Retrieve a unique number.
RXS_out() Write data to standard out.
RXS_outFromFile() Write the contents of a specified IFS file to standard out.
RXS_parse() Parse XML data via events.
RXS_parseQuit() Abort XML parsing from within a parsing subprocedure.
RXS_putEnvVar() Set or modify a job-level environment variable.
RXS_readStdIn() Read data from standard in.
RXS_readToFile() Read data from standard in to a specified IFS file.
RXS_rmvLibLE() Remove a library from the current job's library list.
RXS_setParseEnc() Confgure the encoding used to parse XML.
RXS_setTplDir() Temporarily change the IFS path of the currently configured template directory.
RXS_setTransDir() Temporarily change the IFS path of the currently configured transaction directory.
RXS_setXPath() Set the current working XPath.
RXS_soapDecode() Convert XML from encoded to decoded form.
RXS_stdOutError() Write an error data structure to standard out.
RXS_throwError() Throw an error data structure.
RXS_timestampToChar() Convert a timestamp field to a character timestamp.
RXS_updVar() Replace an XML template variable with a specified value.
RXS_writeXMLHdr() Write HTTP headers to standard out.
RXS_wrtSection() Write an XML template section to the composition buffer.