RPG API Express (RXS) 3.5.x Documentation

RPG API Express (formerly RPG-XML Suite) is a developer toolkit that allows RPG developers to work with XML or JSON, offer web services/web APIs on the IBM i, and consume web services/web APIs.
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Name Category Description
RXS_Catch() Error Handling Catch an error data structure.
RXS_CloseDom() XML DOM Parsing Close a DOM parsing session.
RXS_ComposeJsonArray() JSON Composition Add a JSON array to a parent JSON object or array.
RXS_ComposeJsonBoolean() JSON Composition Add a JSON boolean data element to a parent JSON object or array.
RXS_ComposeJsonNull() JSON Composition Add a JSON null data element to a parent JSON object or array.
RXS_ComposeJsonNumber() JSON Composition Add a JSON number data element to a parent JSON object or array.
RXS_ComposeJsonObject() JSON Composition Add a JSON object to a parent JSON object or array.
RXS_ComposeJsonString() JSON Composition Add a JSON string data element to a parent JSON object or array.
RXS_ComposeSection() XML Composition Write an XML template section to the composition buffer.
RXS_ComposeVariable() XML Composition Replace an XML template variable with a specified value.
RXS_Convert() Character String Conversion Perform commonly-used string conversions.
RXS_CreateJson() JSON Composition Begin JSON composition.
RXS_Crypt() Cryptography Perform commonly-used cryptography and hashing operations.
RXS_DestroyJson() JSON Composition Close a JSON composition session.
RXS_FormatJson() JSON Composition Format a JSON document to add or remove additional whitespace.
RXS_GetComposeBuffer() XML Composition Retrieve the current XML composition engine buffer into a variable.
RXS_GetComposeBufferLen() XML Composition Retrieve the current length of the composed data in the buffer.
RXS_GetEnvVar() CGI Retrieve an Apache environment variable or an incoming HTTP header.
RXS_GetJobCcsid() Utility Retrieve the CCSID of the current job.
RXS_GetJsonString() JSON Composition Retrieve composed JSON.
RXS_GetJsonStringLen() JSON Composition Retrieve length of composed JSON.
RXS_GetStdIn() CGI Read data from standard in.
RXS_GetStmf() IFS Stream Files Read a specified stream file into a variable.
RXS_GetUrlVar() CGI Parse a URL path or querystring for a specified name/value pair.
RXS_HMAC() Cryptography Perform HMAC calculation.
RXS_JobLog() Utility Write formatted messages to the job log.
RXS_OpenDom() XML DOM Parsing Open a DOM parsing session.
RXS_Parse() XML Event Parsing Parse XML data.
RXS_ParseDomToDom() XML DOM Parsing Create a sub-DOM session via an XPath over a DOM session.
RXS_ParseDomToText() XML DOM Parsing Retrieve a text value via an XPath over a DOM session.
RXS_ParseDomToXml() XML DOM Parsing Retrieve the raw XML fragment via an XPath over a DOM session.
RXS_ParseJson() JSON Parsing Parse JSON data.
RXS_ProcessStmf() IFS Stream Files Perform commonly-used operations on a stream file.
RXS_PutEnvVar() CGI Set or modify a job-level environment variable.
RXS_PutStdOut() CGI Write data to standard out.
RXS_PutStmf() IFS Stream Files Write a variable to a specified stream file.
RXS_ResetDS() Utility Initialize an RXS 3 data structure.
RXS_StartComposeEngine() XML Composition Initialize the XML composition engine.
RXS_STR() Utility Convert a parsed XML data pointer to a character variable.
RXS_Throw() Error Handling Throw an error data structure.
RXS_Transmit() HTTP Client Transmit HTTP requests to a remote server.
RXS_Validate() XML Validation Validate XML data using XSD validation.
RXS_XPath() XML DOM Parsing Easily build an XPath for use in DOM parsing.