
This subprocedure is used to end JSON composition. It is important to call this subprocedure before your program ends, even if it is ending abnormally.

Subprocedure Prototype

D RXS_DestroyJson...
D                 PR                  Extproc('RXS_DestroyJson') Opdesc
D  pJsonDS                            LikeDS(RXS_CreateJsonDS_t)
D                                     Options(*Varsize)

RXS_CreateJsonDS_t data structure data structure.

Example Code

*-------------------------------------------------------------- * This example creates a simple JSON object, adds a data field * to it, and then calls RXS_DestroyJson() to clean up. *-------------------------------------------------------------- H DFTACTGRP(*NO) BNDDIR('RXSBND') ACTGRP(*CALLER) /copy QRPGLECPY,RXSCB D JSON S Like(RXS_Var64Kv_t) D CreateJsonDS DS LikeDS(RXS_CreateJsonDS_t) D RootDS DS LikeDS(RXS_JsonStructureDS_t) /free RXS_ResetDS( CreateJsonDS : RXS_DS_TYPE_CREATEJSON ); RXS_ResetDS( RootDS : RXS_DS_TYPE_JSONSTRUCTURE ); CreateJsonDS.JsonStructureType = RXS_JSON_STRUCTURE_OBJECT; RootDS = RXS_CreateJson( CreateJsonDS ); RXS_ComposeJsonString( 'hello' : 'world' : RootDS ); JSON = RXS_GetJsonString( CreateJsonDS ); RXS_DestroyJson( CreateJsonDS ); *INLR = *ON; /end-free

Data Structures

D RXS_CreateJsonDS_t...
D                 DS                  Qualified Template Inz
D   ReturnedErrorInfo...
D                                     LikeDS(RXS_ReturnedErrorInfoDS_t) Inz
D   DataStructureType...
D                                5I 0 Inz(RXS_DS_TYPE_CREATEJSON)

Internal use only

D   OnErrorMessageType...
D                                5I 0
D   Prettify                      N   Inz(RXS_NO)

If set to RXS_YES, JSON retrieved with RXS_GetJsonString() will be formatted with whitespace to be "pretty" and more human readable. If set to RXS_NO, JSON will be returned in a compact form with as little whitespace as possible.

Valid Values:

  • RXS_NO

Default Value: RXS_NO

D   JsonStructureType...
D                                 N   Inz(RXS_JSON_STRUCTURE_OBJECT)

If set to RXS_JSON_STRUCTURE_OBJECT, the JSON document being created will begin with a root JSON object. If set to RXS_JSON_STRUCTURE_ARRAY, it will begin with a root JSON array.

Valid Values:



D   JsonStructurePtr...
D                                 *   Inz(*Null)

Internal use only

D   InputCcsid...
D                               10I 0 Inz(RXS_CCSID_JOB)

Specifies the CCSID of the data being passed into the JSON composition subprocedures. Default is job CCSID.

Default Value: RXS_CCSID_JOB

D   OutputCcsid...
D                               10I 0 Inz(RXS_CCSID_JOB)

Specifies the CCSID that the JSON will be output as from RXS_GetJsonString(). Default is job CCSID.

Default Value: RXS_CCSID_JOB

D   TrimVariables...
D                                 N   Inz(RXS_NO)

Determines whether to trim leading and trailing spaces from each value passed to RXS_ComposeJsonString() (RXS_YES), or to leave all spaces in place (RXS_NO).

Valid Values:

  • RXS_NO

Default Value: RXS_NO