CTI Configuration
The following DB2 physical files are used to configure your CTI installation.
This file stores environment-level configuration for CTI. This includes which webservice endpoints are available, whether or not a proxy is used for communication, and logging and report downloading directories.
Record CTI Environment Configuration |
Key Merchant ID |
Logging Directory |
Report download directory |
CTI plugin directory |
CyberSource webservice test URL |
CyberSource webservice production URL |
CyberSource reporting test URL |
CyberSource reporting production URL |
Proxy URL |
Proxy username |
Proxy password |
CyberSource reporting API test URL |
CyberSource reporting API production URL |
SSL and Socket Timeout, Seconds Default Value: |
This file stores merchant-level configuration for CTI. This includes merchant login information, target environment (test or production), and whether logging is enabled for requests.
This file also contains the security key used to communicate with the CyberSource SOAP services for payment processing. To generate this security key, follow the instructions here: Generate CyberSource Security Keys
This file also contains the security key used to communicate with the CyberSource SOAP services for payment processing. To generate this security key, follow the instructions here: Generate CyberSource Security Keys
Record CTI Environment Configuration |
Key Merchant ID |
Log all requests? |
CyberSource webservice environment |
CyberSource webservice username |
CyberSource webservice password |