Shipping |
UPS_shipConfirm() |
Create and confirm a shipment |
Shipping |
UPS_shipAccept() |
Finalize and accept a shipment |
Shipping |
UPS_shipVoid() |
Void a shipment or individual packages from a shipment |
Shipping |
UPS_printZPL() |
Print a ZPL format UPS label |
Address Validation |
UPS_sAdrVld() |
Street-level Address validation |
Rating |
UPS_ratingReq() |
Shipment rating request |
Tracking |
UPS_tracking() |
Shipment tracking request |
Time in Transit |
UPS_timeInTransit() |
Calculates shipment time in transit |
Address Validation |
UPS_adrVld() |
City/State/Zip validation |
Pickup |
UPS_pkupCreate() |
Create and schedule a package pickup |
Pickup |
UPS_pkupStatus() |
Get status of scheduled pickup |
Pickup |
UPS_pkupCancel() |
Cancel a scheduled package pickup |
Pickup |
UPS_pkupRating() |
Rate a pickup request |
Utility |
UPS_cleanup() |
Utility subprocedure to run after other calls |
Utility |
UPS_getUID() |
Utility subprocedure to generate a unique ID for requests |
Utility |
UPS_log() |
Utility subprocedure to add records to the UPSLOG database file |