Configuring UPSTI Options

Your UPS Toolkit for i installation includes options which may need to be configured. These options are stored in a record in database file UPSCFGOPT.

NOTE: Do not change the value of the CFGID Config ID field from the provided *DEFAULT without guidance from our support team.



This file contains UPSTI options.
A          R RCFGOPT


UPS Configuration Record

A            CFGID         10A


Config ID

Valid Values:


A            DFTCYCD        3A

Default Currency Code

Default Value: USD

A            DFTWGTCD       3A

Default Weight Code

Default Value: LBS

A            DFTDIMCD       2A

Default Dimension Code

Default Value: IN

A            VERBOSELOG     1A

Enable Verbose Logging

Default Value: 1

Valid Values:

  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)

A            GENLOGFILE     1A

Always Generate Log File

Default Value: 1

Valid Values:

  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)

A            LOGFILEDIR   128A

Log File Directory

Default Value: /ktprod/upsti/logxml

A            OUTPUTDIR    128A

Output Directory

Default Value: /ktprod/upsti/output

A            REFRESHWIN     4B 0 (SMALLINT)

Auth Token Refresh Window (Seconds)

Default Value: 180