
This subprocedure is used to set up XML parsing. Use of this subprocedure requires an XML handler subprocedure to also be written.

The events recognized by the XML parser are:

Event   Format   Example
Element Begin   >   Request>
Element Content   /   Request/Item/
Element End   />   Request/>
Attribute   @   Request/Item@Attribute

The Element Content and Attribute events will return data, which can be retrieved with RXS_STR().

Subprocedure Prototype

D RXS_Parse...
D                 PR                  Extproc('RXS_Parse')
D   Input                             Like(RXS_Var16Mv_t)
D                                     Options(*Varsize)

Holds the XML data to be passed to the parsing subprocedure(s). Will be ignored if the Stmf subfield of the DS parameter is set.

D   ParseDS                           Likeds(RXS_ParseDS_t)

Holds a RXS_ParseDS_t data structure which controls how RXS_Parse() functions.

Example Code

* This example parses a simple XML structure stored in the field
* 'XML' and stores the data contained in nodes <Node1> and <Node2>
* in the corresponding global fields.
* At a high level, the XML is passed into the XmlHandler() 
* subprocedure in small chunks. Then, a SELECT block is used to
* detect whether or not the current chunk of XML matches one
* you'd like to handle. If it does, you can extract the data from
* an element of attribute using RXS_STR().
* Once the XML has been entirely passed through XmlHander(), control
* returns to the main part of the program.


D XmlHandler      PR
D  pType                        10A   Value
D  pXPath                     1024A   Value Varying
D  pData                          *   Value
D  pDataLen                     10I 0 Value

D ParseDS         DS                  LikeDS(RXS_ParseDS_t)
D XML             S                   Like(RXS_Var64Kv_t)
D Node1           S                   Like(RXS_Var1Kv_t)
D Node2           S                   Like(RXS_Var1Kv_t)
   XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' +

   RXS_ResetDS( ParseDS : RXS_DS_TYPE_PARSE );
   ParseDS.GlobalHandler = %Paddr( XmlHandler );
   RXS_Parse( XML : ParseDS );

   RXS_JobLog( 'Node 1: %s' : Node1 );
   RXS_JobLog( 'Node 2: %s' : Node2 );

   *INLR = *ON;

P XmlHandler      B
D XmlHandler      PI
D  pType                        10A   Value
D  pXPath                     1024A   Value Varying
D  pData                          *   Value
D  pDataLen                     10I 0 Value
     when pXPath = '/Root/Node1/';
       Node1 = RXS_STR( pData : pDataLen );
     when pXPath = '/Root/Node2/';
       Node2 = RXS_STR( pData : pDataLen );
P                 E
* This example parses a simple XML structure stored in the field
* 'XML' and stores the data contained in nodes <Node1> and <Node2>
* in the corresponding global fields.
* At a high level, the XML is passed into the XmlHandler() 
* subprocedure in small chunks. Then, a SELECT block is used to
* detect whether or not the current chunk of XML matches one
* you'd like to handle. If it does, you can extract the data from
* an element of attribute using RXS_STR().
* Once the XML has been entirely passed through XmlHander(), control
* returns to the main part of the program.

 /define RXSV6R1

D XmlHandler      PR
D  pType                        10A   Value
D  pXPath                     1024A   Value Varying
D  pData                          *   Value
D  pDataLen                     10I 0 Value

D ParseDS         DS                  LikeDS(RXS_ParseDS_t)
D XML             S                   Like(RXS_Var64Kv_t)
D Node1           S                   Like(RXS_Var1Kv_t)
D Node2           S                   Like(RXS_Var1Kv_t)
   XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' +

   RXS_ResetDS( ParseDS : RXS_DS_TYPE_PARSE );
   ParseDS.GlobalHandler = %Paddr( XmlHandler );
   RXS_Parse( XML : ParseDS );

   RXS_JobLog( 'Node 1: %s' : Node1 );
   RXS_JobLog( 'Node 2: %s' : Node2 );

   *INLR = *ON;

P XmlHandler      B
D XmlHandler      PI
D  pType                        10A   Value
D  pXPath                     1024A   Value Varying
D  pData                          *   Value
D  pDataLen                     10I 0 Value
     when pXPath = '/root/node1/';
       RXS_STR( Node1 : pData : pDataLen );
     when pXPath = '/root/node2/';
       RXS_STR( Node2 : pData : pDataLen );
P                 E

Data Structures

D RXS_ParseDS_t   DS                  Qualified Template Inz
D   ReturnedErrorInfo...
D                                     Like(RXS_ReturnedErrorInfoDS_t) Inz
D   OnErrorMessageType...
D                               10I 0
D   GlobalHandler...
D                                 *   Procptr

Holds a PROCPTR to an XmlHandler subprocedure used to handle all possible XML events.

D   ElementContentHandler...
D                                 *   Procptr

Holds a PROCPTR to an XmlHandler subprocedure which will only respond to XML content events.

D   ElementBeginHandler...
D                                 *   Procptr

Holds a PROCPTR to an XmlHandler subprocedure which will only respond to XML begin events.

D   ElementEndHandler...
D                                 *   Procptr

Holds a PROCPTR to an XmlHandler subprocedure which will only respond to XML end events.

D   AttributeHandler...
D                                 *   Procptr

Holds a PROCPTR to an XmlHandler subprocedure which will only respond to XML attribute events.

D   IncludeNamespaces...
D                                 N

Controls whether namespaces are factored into XML parsing - if RXS_NO, they will be ignored.

D   InputCcsid...
D                               10I 0

Specifies the CCSID of the XML being parsed.

D   OutputCcsid...
D                               10I 0

Specifies the CCSID the parsed data will be converted to.

D   Stmf...
D                                     Like(RXS_Var1Kv_t)

Specifies an IFS path to an XML file to parse instead of the Input parm.