
This subprocedure retrieves up to 16MB of data from a specified IFS stream file.

Subprocedure Prototype

D RXS_GetStmf...
D                 PR                  Extproc('RXS_GetStmf') Opdesc
D                                     Like(RXS_Var16Mv_t)
D                                     Rtnparm

Returns data retrieved from the specified IFS stream file.

D   DS                                Likeds(RXS_GetStmfDS_t)
D                                     Options(*Varsize)

RXS_GetStmfDS_t data structure used to configure the RXS_GetStmf() call and specify the IFS stream file to read.

Example Code

*-------------------------------------------------------------- * This example code reads the contents of the file * /tmp/rxs_getstmf.txt into the Data field. *-------------------------------------------------------------- H DFTACTGRP(*NO) BNDDIR('RXSBND') ACTGRP(*CALLER) /copy QRPGLECPY,RXSCB D GetStmfDS DS LikeDS(RXS_GetStmfDS_t) D Data S Like(RXS_Var64Kv_t) /free RXS_ResetDS( GetStmfDS : RXS_DS_TYPE_GETSTMF ); GetStmfDS.Stmf = '/tmp/rxs_getstmf.txt'; Data = RXS_GetStmf( GetStmfDS ); *INLR = *ON; /end-free

*-------------------------------------------------------------- * This example code reads the contents of the file * /tmp/rxs_getstmf.txt and outputs the entire file to STDOUT, * even if the length of the file is greater than the Data variable. *-------------------------------------------------------------- H DFTACTGRP(*NO) BNDDIR('RXSBND') ACTGRP(*CALLER) /copy QRPGLECPY,RXSCB D GetStmfDS DS LikeDS(RXS_GetStmfDS_t) D Data S Like(RXS_Var64Kv_t) /free RXS_ResetDS( GetStmfDS : RXS_DS_TYPE_GETSTMF ); GetStmfDS.Stmf = '/tmp/rxs_getstmf.txt'; GetStmfDS.ChunkedLength = %size(Data - 4); Dou %len(Data) = 0; Data = RXS_GetStmf( GetStmfDS ); RXS_PutStdOut( Data ); Enddo; *INLR = *ON; /end-free

Data Structures

D RXS_GetStmfDS_t...
D                 DS                  Qualified Template Inz
D   ReturnedErrorInfo...
D                                     LikeDS(RXS_ReturnedErrorInfoDS_t) Inz
D   DataStructureType...
D                                5I 0 Inz(RXS_DS_TYPE_GETSTMF)

Internal use only

D   OnErrorMessageType...
D                                5I 0
D   Stmf                              Like(RXS_Var1Kv_t)

Specifies IFS path to a stream file to retrieve.

D   ToCcsid                     10I 0

The CCSID to convert the data read from the IFS stream file into.

D   OutputPointer...
D                                 *   Inz(*Null)

Internal use only

D   OutputLength                10I 0

Internal use only

D   StmfSize                    10I 0

This is a returned value containing the number of bytes stored in the stream file.

D   ChunkedLength...
D                               10I 0

The length to use when "chunks" of the stream file are to be returned. See example 2.

D   ChunkedOffset...
D                              128A

Internal use only